Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Root Beer Rag Billy Joel

Ok, I had to throw a juggling video in here. This guy is named Michael Menes and he is your regular funny guy. He has a lot of really fun acts. It is true!


Jeff Corry said...

Wow. I didn't realize you were updating this "bad boy" again. I had better stop by for some musical musings!

Jeff Corry said...

I remember a man who used to blog,
Now he sits on his butt, like a frog,
He wants a new game for Christmas it's sure,
If wants to race, Gran Turismo it's pure! (ish.)
My PS3 just hit the brink,
I am starting to think that it will stink,
As it will decompose on its shelf,
Will it be replaced by a little elf?

Jeff Corry said...

My last comment on here was pretty dumb. Sorry about that Sam. I hope things are going well for you.